Publication Regulation 1099/2021 Prohibition of use of Deoxyarbutin and Restrictions (Annex III 321) for Dihydroxyacetone maximum 6.25% in non-oxidizing dyes and maximum 10% in self-tanners.
Published the SCCS preliminary opinion on Methyl Salicylate SCCS/1633/21. The SCCS indicates its safe use at the concentrations indicated in the table attached to the opinion. And not safe in the category Mouthwash in children under 10 years.
On the other hand, the SCCS has published a preliminary opinion on HAA299 (nano). SCCS 1634/21 indicates that it is safe when used as a UV filter in dermal applications in cosmetic products up to a maximum concentration of 10%. Based on the inflammatory effects on the lung following acute inhalation exposure, SCCS has concerns about the repeated use of products containing HAA299 (nano) in applications that may result in inhalation exposure. Therefore, the SCCS does not recommend the use of HAA299 (nano) in applications that could lead to consumer lung exposure.
In addition, the SCCS has been mandated to evaluate the following ingredients: Triclocarban and Triclosan and alphay Beta Arbutin and “Fullerenes and Hydroxylated Fullerenes. Deadline of the opinion 9 months.
ECHA has added Glutaral (Annex V 48) to its Candidate list of SVHC substances for its respiratory sensitizing properties. And it has opened for consultation for the harmonized classification of: Sulfur, Silver and Propyl Gallate, we will be attentive to what CLP classification they end up being granted and what influence they may have on their use as cosmetic ingredients.
AEMPS, STANPA and cosmetic industry experts develop a guide to produce microbiologically safe raw materials and cosmetic products. (Link)