Within the framework of the InnovaPEME 2020 call, Sigillum Knowledge Solutions has obtained funds for the development of an innovation plan whose central axis is the design and validation of a new Intelligent Consultation System. The InnovaPEME call, from the Galician Innovation Agency (GAIN) is co-financed by the FEDER Galicia 2014-2020 Operational Program (specific objective 1.2.1) of the European Union.
Since the creation of the company two years ago (June 2018), the Sigillum team has worked on the construction of exhaustive databases that collect regulatory information and international standards on consumer products health and safety, such as fashion items (textiles, footwear and accessories), cosmetic products or materials in contact with food. These databases, which span more than 60 markets on five continents, are one of the company’s main assets, along with the expert knowledge of our team.
With this new project, which will run until November 2021, and in which we have the collaboration of the company MestreLab, we want to transform our databases into a digital interface system that allows remote access to regulatory content. This development will allow us to make a qualitative leap in our business model, expanding our offer of products and services through 24/7 online access by our clients to updated regulatory information of interest.